April 1, 2012

3 Wild Daffodils= English Spring is Here!

 Here in the countryside we've got signs of Spring.
First the snowdrops peep out along the stone walls,
then the crocuses appear in gardens and open greenspaces,
then daffodils explode everywhere.  
They line the lanes, they cluster at corners, and they parade down paths.
(yeah, like that alliteration?!)

I love them.
It helps that my favorite color is green,
and my second favorite is a bright, blinding yellow.
Plus, I always get excited remembering that 2nd grade experiment with daffodils and food coloring.

While we've got some daffodils near us (they are literally everywhere), we headed back towards our old village, Birstwith, because the next village over, Hampsthwaite, has some of the most beautiful areas of blooming daffodils.

 Hampsthwaite church has what is probably the most pleasing small cemetery I've ever seen.  In the Spring the flowers are allowed to bloom unhindered, giving it a beautiful, untamed look.  

 I don't know G.H. Ness, but his stark grave marker made me take note.  Clearly he died in WWI, called the Great War over here, but there's no description of his service beyond rank.  Without a birthdate I've no clue if he was a teen-soldier or an older family man, but I do wonder why a Yorkshire lad buried in Hampsthwaite would have served with the Northumberland Fusiliers... 
Yeah, I manage to people-watch even in cemeteries.

 This horse lives across the lane from the church.  I talked to him for a minute, of course!

 There are pictures of these cherry trees in the post I link to above with Hampsthwaite church, but I just love this corner in the spring! 

 Just for good measure, here's what we've got in front of our house.  The front only has some raised beds, but we've got more blooming in the back garden, just like at our old house.  I haven't planted any of them, but I sure enjoy them blooming!

This bed is on the other side of our gate- it was hard to get a good view of all of it together!

Wild tulips bloom next- I can't wait!


  1. oooh! i'd love to see wild tulips! when i was in london last summer we had to kill some time so we obviously did so in a cemetery ... but it was so beautiful! flowers blooming everywhere! never thought i'd think that about a cemetery but you've proven the point again! :)

  2. god bless the daffodils and tulips.

  3. I'm just going to live vicariously through you. This is stunning!


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