April 23, 2011

0 Richmond Castle

Richmond Castle sits in Richmondshire, part of North Yorkshire.  A stronghold in the North, it is a great example of a Norman fortress.

The tower is still standing, and provides a great example of the twelfth century architecture.

The town from the great tower.  Historians believe that the current circular layout of the town is a preservation of the original eleventh century layout around the castle.

The tower at the top left center is the Gold Hole Tower.  The building next to it is known as Scolland's Hall, named after the castle constable who died in the mid-twelfth century.  He is believed to have been constable for sixty years, which may be why this honor was bestowed on him.

A close up of the Hall and Tower from the ground.

A view of the postern gate and tower from the Great Tower roof.

A bridge over the river next to the castle.

The Great Tower, with the ruins of Robin Hood's Tower to the right.

Castle Gardens.

Sloan says it was a great day out in North Yorkshire!

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