January 17, 2010

0 The Muddiest Walk Yet

was yesterday.  Most of the snow melted literally overnight so we went out on another pasture trek.  Thank goodness for wellies (and my waterproof Sorels- it was still cold!) because we were suctioning through mud most of the way!  It was overcast and drizzly, but none of us mind being out in that, especially since the dogs got their raincoats!

This time we headed in a different direction.  We wanted to check out "the corner" as we call it.
I'll describe it more in the following pictures.  Because we were unfamiliar with these pastures and where sheep might be we kept the dogs on leashes the whole way.  The walk also took us through a plowed field, which is allowed as long as you stay exactly on the path and keep dogs leashed.

The view back towards Birstwith.  The steam is from a Kerry food factory.  No clue what is produced there, we just drive by it.

This is "the corner."  We'd driven by it numerous times, seen sheep standing in it once, and so we wanted to see it up close.  According to our ordinance map it's "Clint Hall remains."  The main road by it is Clint Bank Road and Clint Hall Farm is the farm there.

I can't find any information about it online, so next time I'm at the Post Office I'll ask.  Matthew, the owner of the local Post Office (it's a tiny general store as well) is a really nice guy and apparently his family has been in the area for years- so hopefully he can fill me in.  Paul and I are guessing from notches in the stone that this was a doorway.

This shows you how thick the stone walls are here- houses built like this (ours) are called "solid wall" for a reason.  I'd love to know when this one was built.

Both dogs were sure something interesting was in this hole.  Sloan kept trying to jump into it and with the overcast day and low light I couldn't get a non-blurry picture of her!

Max just wanted to show you how good he is at waiting.  And how handsome his raincoat is!

Paul regularly checks the ordinance map to make sure we're on path.  Here we were trying to find a different route back home, because the one we took to the corner required us to lift Max over two fences- not fun.  Sometimes the path takes you through gates, but sometimes there are steps over the fence or wall instead.  Not easy for dogs, especially nervous chicken legs like Max.

Sloan is impatiently waiting on Daddy to finish reading the map. Notice in the dim light both she and her raincoat glow- I love that it has the reflector strips.  Max's does too.

Another fun trek for us.  There are lots more we're planning on, so look forward to more pictures!

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